Monday, November 8, 2010

More PSP2 features!

As talked about at the Tokyo game show, The PSP2 has been unveiled, (albeit to a small group of people behind closed doors, but hey, whatcha gonna do?) and has some cool upgrades from it's last model. The second analog stick we've all cried for is finally being implemented (huzzah!), along with an inch larger "HD" (supposedly) screen that less people clamored for. Another interesting feature is the touchpad on the back of the device. While I don't know what you'd be touching the back of the new Sony handheld for, it would be pretty cool if you could use them as R2 & L2 buttons to play PS2 games on the PSP2 with PSN2!... (hell of a lot of twos, don't you think?) Oh, and another important feature of this new model: it overheats. There is a big overheating problem with the current hardware Sony has sent out, and it's really hampering the battery life. Well, there's still a year to fix it before their fall 2011 release goal, so it'll all be fine... or will it?!

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